School marketing podcast #28: An Easy Definition of Marketing for Schools

School Marketing Podcast #28 - An Easy Definition of Marketing for Christian Schools

Every school’s marketing team must be on the same page when it comes to defining “marketing” – if not, chaos will ensue! Everyone knows we are ultimately talking about enrollment growth (“filling seats”), but the path of getting there will be challenging if the Head of School, Admissions Director, Social Media Coordinator and Marketing Team Volunteers (Parents) are all on a different wavelength in terms of what marketing is (and what it is not).

In this episode, we lay out a clear definition of marketing that applies to every school. It sets the stage for future episodes where we talk about the strategy and tactics that are essential for successful school marketing.

SHOWNOTES: (more…)

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You don’t attract families with promotional brochures

3 primiary sources of content for your school

The best way to attract targeted audiences is to offer them something of value, not a promotional brochure.  Schools are conditioned and prone to be some of the worse self-promoters, but just about every business is guilty of it.  But if we do not promote, how will they come?

I suggest that there are 3 easy ways to produce content that will attract the right kinds of families to your school: (more…)

School marketing podcast #27: New Open House Ideas

School marketing podcast #27: New Open House Ideas for Your Private Christian School

Most likely your school is gearing up for your next marketing and admission season.  The effort to recruit and find new families is so important to the life of the school (and to your school’s budget!)  We even addressed this in the recent two-part series “Attracting the Right Kinds of Families to Your School” in podcast episode #24 and #25.  In episode #26, we also got a little more specific into what types of content marketing you should be producing to capture the attention of these targeted family segments.

In this episode, we talk about a number of fresh ideas you can use BEFORE, DURING and AFTER your next Open House, Preview Night, or other Admission event on your campus.

SHOWNOTES: (more…)