I recently spoke to a Christian school about marketing and social media. During the full-day marketing clinic, I got to spend 90 minutes listening and facilitating a discussions with this dynamic group of front-line soldiers. They had some great ideas on developing, capturing and sharing content about the students they were with every day.
Your front-line soldiers are sometimes parents of current or former students, sometimes former students who have returned to your school to teach (that’s a story I would capture on video because that says a lot about how great your school is), and sometimes your teachers just love teaching in a Christian school environment.
Here are 3 ways to encourage your teachers so they will be a solid source of referrals for your school: (more…)

Doesn’t every marketer, whether you are selling soap, automotive repair or a Christian school education, wish there was a magic formula for marketing? Well, I would not call it magic, but I can suggest a formula to follow.
The big picture is a formula is broken up into 3 macro sections:
Now let us break this down into the specifics of the formula: (more…)

Seems like many private schools have an interest in Pinterest. Independent schools and Christian schools are asking “how can we use Pinterest in our marketing strategy?” In a two-part series, we first talk about how we use Pinterest to help your school marketing. See the shownotes below for links to various boards. And click here to go to Part 2.
Time [14:29]
- Follow Your School Marketing on Pinterest
- Specifically follow our boards like Private Schools Pinning, Parent Articles, Schools & Social Media, and boards about recruitment, retention and referrals (what we call the 3 Rs of school marketing).
- Read our recent article: “Shareable Content is King”
- See below or click here for more PODCAST episodes
- Suggest a TOPIC or GUEST for the school marketing podcast.
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- Review our podcast in iTunes – your positive feedback tells other school marketing, admission and communication professionals that this is worth their time (remember, most podcast episodes are only 14 min and 29 seconds long!)
- Click here to go to Part 2 of this Pinterest Podcast
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From time to time, I will showcase specific boards we have on our Pinterest account. As we do our research on the web (from articles we find on Twitter, paper.li., Facebook and several other sources), we curate content around specific topics and pin them to our different boards.
Click the image below to view the board offering ideas on referral marketing and word of mouth strategies for private / Christian schools:

Does your school have a visual content strategy? Nowadays, you are probably aware that the social world is heavily focused on the “visual” representation of the events of your school. Are you using Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr, Facbeook photos, or Twitter pics to showcase all the events at your school?
Besides just snapping photos, your school must have a visual content strategy in order to optimize the use of pictures. Your families (current and prospective) are very visual and the integrated world of social media is highly visual. How visual is your online content? In a recent guest article on a nationally-recognized small business forum, I was invited to share the important elements of having a visual content strategy. I think you can easily make the translation to having a visual marketing strategy for your school.
I invite you to read the full article: “2 Easy Steps to a Visual Content Strategy.”
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