Is Your School Website About YOU or THEM?

Is Your School Website About YOU or THEM?

When it comes to your school’s website, is it:

  • all about YOU?
  • all about THEM?

It’s easy to try and imagine every bit of information you think a prospective family might want to know about your school.  The only problem is that (more…)

Are You Competing Effectively Against Public Schools, Too?

Christian school marketing - private schools vs standardized testing

In Texas, we enter yet another week of state-level standardized testing, known now in our state as STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness).

For many parents of public school students, this is a dreaded week.  As a parent of a very bright 3rd grader, I can tell you he is very anxious about it.  Our child’s public elementary school is one of the best in the area, and he has a great teacher and wonderful administrative personnel.  But STAAR week is a downer for most public school families.

Here are 5 ways you can turn this into a marketing opportunity: (more…)