A Bullied Bus Monitor & Your School’s Marketing

A Bullied Bus Monitor & Your Private School's Marketing

Karen Klein’s terrible harassment at the hands of some teenagers made world news this summer.  Viral videos with millions of hits and over $600,000 raised on her behalf through social media made this one of the summer’s hottest topics.

The problem:  it’s summer – and no one is at your school to talk about it.

While I’m certain some administrators may react with “that doesn’t happen at our school” or “families often misuse that term“, the reality is that it is an issue on the minds of families.  And news stories like Klein’s only make parents feel more concerned for their children while at school (and the target of this bullying was an adult).

This is why bullying is a marketing issue.  Families are exploring where they can send their children for a quality education in a safe environment.  In terms of “bullying”, here are 5 things your marketing team should address as school begins next month: (more…)

Is Your School Website About YOU or THEM?

Is Your School Website About YOU or THEM?

When it comes to your school’s website, is it:

  • all about YOU?
  • all about THEM?

It’s easy to try and imagine every bit of information you think a prospective family might want to know about your school.  The only problem is that (more…)

Are You Competing Effectively Against Public Schools, Too?

Christian school marketing - private schools vs standardized testing

In Texas, we enter yet another week of state-level standardized testing, known now in our state as STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness).

For many parents of public school students, this is a dreaded week.  As a parent of a very bright 3rd grader, I can tell you he is very anxious about it.  Our child’s public elementary school is one of the best in the area, and he has a great teacher and wonderful administrative personnel.  But STAAR week is a downer for most public school families.

Here are 5 ways you can turn this into a marketing opportunity: (more…)