Email marketing content ideas for growing and nurturing your list (podcast #58)

[Scroll to bottom to listen to interview and to visit shownotes of this post for links to items mentioned in this episode]

Email marketing is often overlooked as a powerful marketing tool to lead, guide and nurture families to enrollment (and beyond). In this brief episode (14 minutes and 29 seconds), I discuss the kind of content you can use when trying to build your email list (and other ways to do it), as well as the content that will educate and build trust for your prospective families and even your current ones, too.

If you didn’t catch Part 1 of this 2-part series on Email Marketing, check out the link below to Episode #57!

Click below (or click “MORE”) for all the links and action steps from this episode!

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Email marketing content ideas for growing and nurturing your list (podcast #58)







