Thank you for purchasing the Christmas Gift Package!

Now that you have made your purchase, we need to provide you access to the 3 components and information on accessing your bonus phone consultations. Adjacent to each component graphic, you will see an explanation on how the content will be provided to you. Simply follow those instructions to receive the content of the Christmas Gift Package! Thanks again for your purchase and please let us know if you have any trouble accessing the content.

Access to our Premium Retention Course
The next step is to receive your “global password” to access all of the Retention courses. All of the courses are immediately available for viewing. And the courses have no expiration date, so take your time going through the various mini-courses inside.
Please check your email for the specific instructions which will include your global password and your unique link to the main retention course page. You should receive these instructions within 4 business hours. If you do not receive an email from us, check your spam folder or email us at
We know retention and re-enrollment is vital to any school and we feel confident these courses will assist you in your marketing efforts. Stay tuned to your email on accessing this Retention Course.

Open House Guide for Schools
To access the Open House Guide for Schools, click here to begin.
The next page will provide you the access link along with the unique password for the content. It’s important you pay attention to the password and enter it exactly as it is stated on the next page. It is case-specific so be intentional on your password entry.

Membership to the School Marketing Academy
To get a membership to the School Marketing Academy, you can click here to get started.
Now to make it simple, simply follow all instructions you see on the membership sign up (name, email, password, etc). However, do not be alarmed by the “price” or “payment” … you’ve already taken care of that. So here’s what we want you to to do. Once you get to the sign up page, right below the “Password Strength” indicator, you will see a “Coupon Code”. In this coupon code box, type the following exactly as it is written: SMAFREEBIE
By entering the Coupon Code, you will bypass the PayPal Payment Center and be taken directly to the course listings page where you can get started. Please make note of your membership login and password as we do not personally have access to that information (for security purposes). This is important so document this information in a safe place for future reference.
And as a reminder, you will now have access to the School Marketing Academy courses that we add in the future as well!!

BONUS: 3 Phone Consultations with Randy!
Your bonus package includes 3 phone consultations with Randy Vaughn, School Marketing Consultant. It’s real simple on how to make this happen. Between now and June 30, 2018, you have 3 phone consults with Randy available to you on any school marketing topic you choose (within reason, of course). Simply contact Randy by emailing him directly by clicking here to schedule your time with him. Please allow time for scheduling by contacting Randy within 10 days of when you are wanting to talk.
Randy will be ready to hear from you!
Enjoy your School Marketing Christmas Gift Package!