Summer is coming to an end and before you know it, the students will be back on campus . . . it’s BACK TO SCHOOL!
Are you ready, though, for the fall?
If I’m talking temperatures, you’re probably saying, YES! (It’s 100+ here in Texas). But if you look at the beginning of your enrollment marketing season, are you really ready? Many of you begin to prepare, plan and promote your Open House and Preview Night admission events in September, October and November. And then, in a blink of an eye, you are announcing re-enrollment and open enrollment in the January, February, March and April.
Are you really ready for this?
If you are tired of chaotic enrollment marketing, where you feel like you are chasing the wind and acting reactionary (with fingers crossed), then something has to change. If you are fed up with chronic confusion in your marketing, or worse, just copying your competition, then it is time for some help.
I want to offer help in your enrollment marketing.
We accept only a limited number of 1-on-1 coaching clients each year. Christian schools are unique and we do not believe in “cookie cutter” marketing approaches. Rather, we help you create a customized marketing system for YOUR school. While guided by a series of 9 essential steps, the outcome is personal to your school, your enrollment goals, and your community.
Read what one recent Christian school said:
“Randy Vaughn quickly became a good friend to Covenant Life School, and he changed forever how we market our school. He realigned our understanding of marketing to help us think about what we can do to build a stronger sense of community and satisfaction among our current families so they will re-enroll and refer their friends. He helped us organize our marketing team to begin using an integrated social media system, with a systematic approach for planning our marketing strategies and methods. And he walked us through how to develop and present valuable content with shelf life to educate families and build trust so they will consider how our school can meet their needs, calm their fears and fulfill their desires.” (Bob Schickler, Business Administrator, Covenant Life School, Gaithersburg, MD)
Does this sound like something your school needs? Click the image below to schedule your complimentary 30-minute phone consultation where we can discuss your school’s enrollment gaps/goals, pricing and payment options and how I might be able to help grow your school.