5 Ways Families Connect with Your Faculty & Staff - by Randy Vaughn, edSocialMedia Contributor

Your faculty and staff represent the face of your school. They are the frontline customer service professionals.

As well, they are the people your alumni speak about when they tell about their life-changing upbringing at your school. Parents may be impressed with brand new facilities and glossy admission materials, but the stories of your teachers, office staff, administrators and extracurricular leaders are what they really want to know.

  • When a young mother first glances at your website, what will she learn about the people whom she will soon trust to care for her “baby girl”?
  • The middle school Dad may ask questions at a preview event about the winning or losing records of the coach for the boys’ basketball team.
  • Upper school students may even try and find a Twitter handle or Instagram account for the band director or football coach so they can “investigate” what kind of people they really are.
  • Passionate parents are often eager to know a teacher’s pedagogical principles.

So how can you satisfy these inquiring minds with the information and inspiration that will turn their heads toward enrolling in your school? In my guest post on edsocialmedia.com, I offer 5 things you should feature on your school’s website faculty pages, in your admission materials and on the wall near every staff member’s door.

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