How do private schools compete with free schools (podcast #51)

One of the most common questions I get, when consulting with private and Christian schools, is: “how do we compete with free?” With the rise of free charter schools, alongside the long-standing challenging of competing with free public schools, tuition-based schools are continually being forced to showcase value for the cost of tuition. Why would a family pay for private education when (if this is the case) the “free” public schools are strong schools? Why would a family choose an expensive private school when new, niche-based charter schools also offer smaller class size?

How will you compete with free?

In this episode, I share with you a handful of responses from a recent audience survey where I asked YOU to share your ideas on how you compete with free. In future content (report, blog article, etc.), I will reveal even more ideas, but episode #51 of the School Marketing Podcast will get us started!

Episode length: 14:29

See action steps below . . .


