Previously, I submitted the first part of “3 Ingredient of Your School’s Social Strategy” (click to read Part One). The first two ingredients mentioned in that article, having good “integration” and being “interconnected,” are crucial pieces in a school’s social media strategy. The third ingredient—the special sauce, mentioned in this article—is the strategic effort of making a solid plan.
This is the 2nd part of an article I wrote for EdSocialMedia – a national forum discussing the role of social media in education.

Recently, I was given the opportunity to contribute a unique article for EdSocialMedia, a national forum discussing the role of social media in education.
Your school’s social media strategy must have a solid foundation before getting bogged down in the tactical choices. While there is a bit of a buzz about Pinterest, a curiosity about Google+, and a (bored) familiarity with the functionality of Facebook, the tools won’t make any difference unless your social media plan is strategic. It must act as your recipe as to “what-when-where-to-post” to ensure anybody pays attention to what you’re whipping up for them to consume.

*UPDATE – here’s a link to “Part 2 – 3 Ingredients of Your School’s Social Strategy“