Does your private school have a visual content strategy?

Does your school have a visual content strategy?  Nowadays, you are probably aware that the social world is heavily focused on the “visual” representation of the events of your school.  Are you using Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr, Facbeook photos, or Twitter pics to showcase all the events at your school?

Besides just snapping photos, your school must have a visual content strategy in order to optimize the use of pictures.  Your families (current and prospective) are very visual and the integrated world of social media is highly visual.  How visual is your online content?  In a recent guest article on a nationally-recognized small business forum, I was invited to share the important elements of having a visual content strategy.  I think you can easily make the translation to having a visual marketing strategy for your school.

I invite you to read the full article: “2 Easy Steps to a Visual Content Strategy.”


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