Bellingham Christian School closes because of GOOD weather

I loved this story when I saw it today in my Google alerts set for “Christian school” (if you are not using Google alerts, you should.  It is a great way to keep up with what is published online about your school, your competition or your community).  If you are short on time to manage your school’s online reputation, think about enlisting the help of some parental assistance – here’s an article on how to keep your school volunteers helping you with your marketing efforts.)

Bellingham Christian School in northwest Washington is often subject to dreary weather conditions.  How cool to read that, rather than canceling classes because of inclement weather like we do in Texas (even if there’s a single inch of snow), Bellingham Christian School principal, Bob Sampson, announced via the school’s website that school would be closed due to GREAT weather (see actual website announcement screenshot above).  Read a longer story here and click below to listen to the replay of the phone interview with a Seattle radio station and Bellingham Christian School’s Mr. Sampson.Listen to the replay of the phone call with Seattle radio station and Bellingham Christian School principal

Show BCS some encouragement:   like the Bellingham Christian School Facebook Page! (find the local story on their Timeline in early May 2013 and like/comment to show them how cool you think this story is!)
