Enjoy all the creativity from this high school who shot their entire lip-dub video backwards (see link below the video for original footage)!  Amazing talent – and a great way to market your school’s innovation. Here’s are 4 simple ways that this single video can be used in this school’s marketing (imagine if this was YOUR school):

  1. TWITTER – The initial source for this video came to me via a tweet I saw from one of my followers (by the way, follow me @schoolmktg).  Hundreds – maybe thousands – of followers all over your community could see your innovation without having to spend a dollar on TV advertising (or radio, print, etc.)  I saw it tweeted as “Ten of the best high school lip-dub videos.”
  2. FACEBOOK – Videos of this nature are like social candy for Facebook junkies.  This could be played on your FB page, then shared by all of your fans on to their own personal profiles, and then on and on.  I think you could garner a few new “like” this way for sure!
  3. YOUTUBE – Another great source for viral activity – and a way to introduce interested parties to other videos you have (maybe not as innovative, but perhaps educational or informational videos about your school).
  4. BLOG – Embedding videos into your blog posts make for easy content-generation (case in point!)

– Randy


(Now watch it “backward” in its original form)
